Sunday, July 8, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things

I've become obsessed recently.  With a food, duh.  Ok, two.

The first is quinoa. Hear me out. I know, I know. If you were looking at me right now, you'd be whispering to your best friend, "Yeah riiiiight that biznatch is obsessed with quinoa."

But, I'm serious.  Specifically, quinoa salad.  Oh my God, people, it's hot outside, and my tubby tummy has been craving the juicy goodness of fresh veggies and fruit. Light vinaigrette's. Rose wine. Quinoa salad. So much so that when I discovered CPK had brilliantly added a quinoa arugula salad to their menu, I dragged my husband there (who was totally happy with his white pizza--add bacon, please).

I'm DYING to try this recipe.  I plan to cook up a huge batch and nom on it for dinner this week (my husband isn't a big fan of leftovers. He's also not a big fan of me eating "weird" things for my cheese and crackers, or some cooked black beans, and probably some quinoa salad I keep in a tub for a few days. But he's working a lot, and while the cat's away, the mice shall play---with whole grains?).

Ok, secondly, let's talk chocolate--a fat girl staple.  Except, I'm not really big into chocolate. I can turn down chocolate cake if I have to.  Offer me a chocolate pie or a piece of peach--I'll go for peach.  I don't have a secret stash of Twix in my house.  Maybe it's TOO sweet?  Regardless, I do love me some mixing of sweet and salty.  Enter salted dark chocolate.  After a spa session with my hubby in Napa, I spied a bar of this complex confection in the waiting room, which I promptly swiped and saved for breakfast the next morning.

Buuuuut, I'm going back on Weight Watcher's this week, so...buh-bye salted chocolate. You were a good friend, albeit brief. I will think of you always.

PS. While I wait for my husband to emerge from his laundry-induced haze (he won't let me touch his laundry, afraid I won't hang it up properly or something...I literally had to beg to be allowed to do a load of his darks last week), I am indulging in the perpetual amazingness that is Dirty Dancing.  That scene, in his room? When they're dancing after his rando friend has a sketchball schmashmortion...omg.

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